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Thursday, April 21, 2011

LCP's maiden voyage

Today Left Coast Prost (LCP) launches into the internet ether as yet another private and aimless (at least for now) blog. Since graduating from the University of Oregon last June, it has steadily dawned on me how little literature I produce in my post-college existence. Yes, I consume lots of information -- but 98% of that I internalize and never directly share with others. Being principally a consumer of information, LFP really stems from my personal desire to produce some content through sharing links, ideas, and experiences. 

I have certain hopes and expectations for LCP. From a personal standpoint, heeding the advice Jack Black gave me (not the rock-star, instead a good buddy - think Tazmanian Devil, but with much more intellect and energy), this blog should help me "Repeat to Remember, Remember to Repeat." Let's face it, even as a young 20-something, my memory is imprecise and incomplete.  Time distorts memory, and filed away memories, just like skills you don't use, are surprisingly easy to blur or lose.

But rest assured, LCP won't be just a personal time-capsule of anecdotes. I don't want to try to predict its form yet. To paraphrase that scene from the Social Network: "Why try to define it [facebook] when we don't even know what it is or where it's going?" Without promising too much, this blog pledges to be heavy on the subjects of soccer, beer, books, global news, the German and Spanish languages, and local culture. 

Well, with that introduction aside, that more or less wraps up the maiden voyage post. 

Last, I'll leave you with a song of the day. A naturally catchy song, this song especially resonates with me because I'm currently fun-employed and on the job hunt. Aloe Blacc - I Need A Dollar:

He'll be at Sasquatch! Music Festival over Memorial Day Weekend, as will LCP. More on that later.      

1 comment:

  1. Long time reader, first time commenter. LCP rocks the cabash and if you don't think so you must support the chav scum. Up the Arse!
